Trail Maintenance, Tour Support, Tour Guide Training

Assist with caring for trails used by the club for cultural tours; Assist (as needed) with escorting tours to various cultural sites and on hiking trails; Enroll in our mentoring program to train as a cultural tour guide for the civic club. Contact Mahealani via email:
Photo courtesy Historic Hawaii Foundation

Mahuahua Ai o Hoi – Heʻeia Loʻi Restoration Project

Assist with clearing brush at Heʻeia wetlands, planting, stream-cleaning, etc.  Contact: Kanekoa Schultz at (808) 741-3403 or


Photo courtesy Kako’o ‘Oiwi

Fundraising Activities

Provide assistance with planning, coordination, or support at our fundraising events such as the annual Kū I Ke Kamaʻāina Awards & Benefit Luncheon.  Contact:

Selling da best chicken around at our Kamehameha Day food booth!

Membership Support

Assist membership committee with database management; assist at general meetings by setting up tables, coordinating pāʻina (potluck), making sure juice and paper goods are ready, doing cleanup at end of meetings.  Contact: Nancy Davlantes at

Office Clerical Support or Office Upkeep

Flexible hours available to help the civic club office with organizing, sorting and filing documents and other papers, organizing & managing supplies & equipment, & painting and decorating the office. Contact:

Grant Support:

Assist with writing or implementing grants for civic club projects.  Contact:

General Support:

Volunteer to be a member of one of our standing committees:
• Scholarship & Education Committee
• Ways & Means Committee
• Nā Mea Hawaiʻi Committee 
• Health & Well-being Committee
• Government Relations Committee
• Community Relations Committee
• Website & Social Media Committee